Partnership Event 10/09/2010Representation of the European Commission - Berlin, Germany

EGCI Joint Strategy and Networking Event – September 2010

Thinking ahead the European Green Cars Initiative


The ICT4FEV project, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS) and VDI/VDE-IT organised a joint event to facilitate the participation of interested stakeholders in the European Green Cars Initiative and particularly in the open calls.



Opening Session

  • Matthias Petschke, Representation of the European Commission
  • Werner Wilke, VDI/VDE-IT
  • Nevio di Giusto, Fiat Research Center / EPoSS

Session 1: Thinking Ahead the European Green Cars Initiative – Chairman: Günter Lugert, Siemens

Session 2: Smart Manufacturing for the Full Electric Vehicle – Chairman: Pietro Perlo, Fiat Research Center

Session 3: European Projects and Programmes for the Green Car – Chairman: Horst Kornemann, Continental

Session 4: Proposals and Consortia for the 2011/12 Calls – Chairman: Richard Aumayer, Bosch

Elevator Talks on Project Ideas

  • Sustainable Production of Li-Ion Batteries, Per Johander, Swerea
  • Battery Management System, Reinhard Neul, Bosch
  • Smart and Compact Battery Management Systems, Sven Rzepka, Fraunhofer
  • GaN/Si 200mm for Power Devices, Jean-Jacques Aubert, CEA LETI
  • ECO Dynacar, Javier Sanchez, Roboter-Tecnalia
  • Thermal Management, Tobias Kassel, TU Braunschweig
  • Emission free rotary thermal engine for RE, Lubos Piroutek, Hosana


  • Strategy Considerations from the Smart Grids Perspective, Jesus Garcia Martin, Iberdrola
  • Closing Remarks, Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE-IT
